mental stability

The link between mental stability and happiness

What is mental stability?

What exactly qualifies as “mental stability”? and What is “mental instability” and what causes it is perhaps even more intriguing questions. The impression is that people’s social lives flourish when they are more mentally stable. They experience general happiness more frequently.

Some people might even equate mental stability with the absence or absence of a mental illness.

On the other hand, when society labels someone “mentally unstable”, It usually means that their emotions, thoughts, and/or actions are always changing (hello, oxymoron!).

It is reasonable to assume that these people don’t feel as happy overall because they are less able to collect, organize, or trust their thoughts, deeds, and emotions. which are the very signs of being classified as mentally unstable.

main causes:

This is (frequently) caused by a mental illness of some kind. Including addiction, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and a host of other conditions.

(So, yes, the absence of mental illnesses like bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, addiction, and eating disorders, among many other human psychological disorders, is associated with mental stability.)

Sometimes, devastating, or difficult circumstances that are experienced by an individual (which, of course, are a part of everyone’s life) can also lead to psychological unevenness.

Everyone has a different definition of what it means to be mentally stable and what it means to become mentally stable if one is experiencing imbalance.

The goal of mental stability

Everyone can agree that the goal of achieving mental stability and stabilizing your mental health is to manifest a better, more fulfilling, and generally healthier quality of life.

However, stabilizing your mental health can mean different things to different people you may meet. And who wouldn’t desire that?

Unfortunately, it can also be challenging to stabilize one’s mental health if factors like genetics, chemicals in the brain, or unfortunate and challenging events are present in a person’s brain or life.

The importance of achieving mental stability

The average person’s overall happiness and sense of well-being are incredibly more dependent on their emotional health and mental stability than on any other factor. Including money or material possessions, whether societies want to admit it or not.

So, it makes sense that one would eventually reach the conclusion that maintaining mental stability should come before anything else. Furthermore, it has a direct bearing on a person’s level of happiness on a daily basis. Because you won’t be able to fully engage in life if your mind isn’t in good shape.

Mental pain

Mental pain is as real as physical pain. as Clark Layard makes clear in his book Thrive: The Power of Psychological Therapy.

Moreover, mental pain is often worse than physical pain and is felt in the same parts of the brain. However, the two types of pain are not handled in the same way.

Two out of three people with mental illnesses do not receive treatment, in contrast to almost everyone who is physically ill. If you break a bone, you get treated right away, but if you break your spirit, you don’t. – Thrive: The Power of Psychological Therapy, Penguin Books, 2015, R. Layard, D.M. Clark.

Signs that are associated with the mental health

mental stability

People who are regarded as mentally stable and emotionally healthy typically share a number of positive characteristics.

Manifestations of emotional and mental stability include:

  • a feeling of having control over their own thoughts and behavior
  • a sentiment of well-being in general
  • Friends and family generally have faith in the person’s capacity to take care of their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
  • They can maintain consistency and presence in their relationships with their family, friends, and coworkers.
  • They enjoy and find fulfillment in their hobbies.
  • They are in relationships that are supportive, adoring, and nurturing.
  • They are not under the influence of substance addiction or another type of behavioral addiction.
  • They have a fairly unique set of coping mechanisms that help them deal with difficult feelings or difficult circumstances that may come up in their lives.

Each mental condition that can lead to mental instability has its own unique set of symptoms. However, there are some indicators of mental instability, such as:

  • days that may have included some tumultuous ups and downs emotionally
  • Using addictive substances exclusively
  • displaying signs of addiction or eating disorders
  • excessive anxiety
  • difficulties concentrating
  • being impulsively angry or irritable
  • Changing or decreasing one’s appetite

How do happiness and mental stability relate?

Every person we meet and every interaction we have in our relationships is merely a reflection of who we are as individuals and where we are in our emotional, mental, and spiritual lives.

You are more likely to be able to establish, establish, and maintain a wider range of stable human connections and relationships when you are mentally stable, in control of your thoughts and actions, able to trust yourself, and generally have a high sense of self-competence and self-confidence.

Because you can trust yourself, you can trust others as well. Because of how stable and grounded your mind is, your relationships are more stable (rather than sporadic and perhaps imbalanced brain chemicals that cause a warped perception and view of the world). We are sociable beings.

There may be serious repercussions for our level of life satisfaction if a condition like bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, or addiction prevents us from relating to others in a healthy way.

In an article for, Brene Brown, author of The Gifts of Imperfection, says:

“As members of a social species, our strength comes from our ability to plan, communicate, and cooperate as a group rather than from our hardy individualism.” Our biological makeup favors interdependence over independence in neural, hormonal, and genetic ways.

when we have a mental illness (and our brain chemicals are abnormal or out of balance) or when we are going through a difficult time. We can occasionally have severe difficulties connecting with others, communicating effectively with them, and remaining present in our relationships.

Humans are social creatures, more effective and powerful in large groups, and persistently addicted to the endorphins produced when we receive physical or emotional affection from another person.

If mental illness caused by brain chemicals going “haywire” or not firing properly in general, this can make it difficult for us to be present in our lives and relationships and can significantly change how we perceive the world (usually not for the better). It is clear that our battle with a psychological rollercoaster will have an impact on how happy we are in general.

A word from Mind Detox

If you or someone you know has severe mental instability. It’s important to get help from a professional. because of a mental illness or other serious problem.

A stable mind leads to a healthy and balanced mind, a healthier and more balanced body, and more satisfying relationships. Moreover, the capacity to be present in activities. A realistic perspective, better self-efficacy, and self-esteem, and consequently a healthier and more balanced life.

Perhaps behavioral therapy will help some people achieve balance in particular circumstances, whereas medication may be the key for others to increase the strength and security of their mental processes.

But for many people to be at their best in terms of how they think, feel, act, and just how they are, they need both scientific and environmental changes.

References and Resources: A LUST FOR LIFE, AMFM, MyPerfectResume.

Mind Detox
Mind Detox






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