
Insomnia causes, types, and tips to prevent


When you hardly fall asleep…Hardly stay asleep…Sleeping pills are not working…Consistently waking up

This is probably Insomnia, a serious sleeping disorder that can be acute (short-term) or can be chronic (long-term). In this article, we will discuss the main causes that lead to this sleeping disorder, the symptoms, and the types in detail. Moreover, treatment options and tips to prevent it.       

Causes of insomnia

Insomnia does not have a single, well-established cause. However, research indicates that in many cases, this sleeping disorder is caused by specific physiological arousals that happen at unfavorable times and disturb regular sleep cycles. Such arousal can manifest as elevated heart rate, elevated body temperature, and elevated levels of particular hormones, such as cortisol.

Concerns about sleep frequently coexist with mental health disorders. It is thought that those who suffer from both insomnia and mental health issues may have different causes of insomnia.

Risk factors

Although there isn’t a single cause, research has shown some things that can increase a person’s chance of developing this sleeping disorder:

  • females are more susceptible to having it
  • older age
  • inferior socioeconomic standing
  • Being a light sleeper in the past
  • a history of trouble sleeping while stressed
  • recent pressures in life, including losing a job, getting divorced, or losing a loved one
  • a propensity to worry excessively about one’s health Mood illnesses, such as depression
  • Anxiety conditions
  • Several health conditions, such as restless legs syndrome and gastric reflux disease (GERD)
  • excessive alcohol use
  • excessive use of stimulants like caffeine
  • household instability or domestic violence
  • developmental difficulties in children
  • having an insomniac member of a close family
  • lack of a regular sleep routine (for children)

Types of Insomnia

Most commonly, insomnia is categorized according to the erode of time the person has been suffering from it:

  • Transient: Temporary – lasting less than a month
  • Short-term: the type that lasts for fewer than six months.
  • Chronic: longer than six months.

Yet, this sleeping disorder is usually classified mainly into two main types:

Short-Term Insomnia

This type is often known as acute insomnia or adjustment. and the causes of this type can be stated as:

  • A stressful life event, such as the death of a loved one
  • a troubling medical diagnosis
  • a pandemic
  • recovering from stopping drugs or marijuana
  • a significant shift in one’s employment or personal circumstances

Acute insomnia lasts for less than three months, and as time passes and a person learns to deal with the stressful event that caused their sleeping issues, symptoms may go away on their own. But this type can persist and progress to chronic one.

Both adults and children may have brief sleeplessness. It can occur during pregnancy as well as menopause and is more common in women than in men.

Chronic Insomnia

Chronic insomnia is a pattern of persistent difficulties falling asleep. If a person had difficulty getting asleep or staying asleep at least three evenings a week for three months or more, their insomnia is considered chronic.

Some people who experience chronic insomnia have had trouble falling asleep in the past. The inability to get the necessary amount of sleep may persist or fade and come back in bouts that last for months at a time.

There are several potential causes of chronic type. Similar to the acute one, the chronic type can be brought on by:

  • stressful situations, but it can also be brought on by erratic sleep patterns
  • poor sleep hygiene
  • recurring nightmares
  • mental health disorders
  • underlying physical or neurological issues
  • medications
  • a bed partner
  • some other sleep disorders

This chronic type affects people of all ages and is more common in women than short-term insomnia.

Other types

There are different words that might be used to characterize insomnia, even though it is typically categorized as either short-term or chronic.

These phrases may be used colloquially or by researchers to more accurately classify and examine the various manifestations of this sleeping disorder.

  • Sleep Onset Insomnia
  • Sleep Maintenance Insomnia
  • Early Morning Awakening Insomnia
  • Mixed Insomnia
  • Comorbid Insomnia


There are numerous ways to treat this type of sleeping disorder.


When it comes to short-term type, medical experts frequently give patients information about the condition and outline what to do if their symptoms persist. They might also talk about any stresses that might have led to the recent situation.

Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) :

The suggested initial treatment for chronic conditions is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT-I), according to experts in both the United States and Europe. Better sleep habits are developed and anxiety related to sleep problems is managed with the aid of CBT-I.

Sleep medications:

When an individual develops severe insomnia symptoms, medication may be advised. Medication may help with daytime impairment, sleep promotion, and anxiety reduction related to sleep issues.

Tips to prevent

  • Keep your wake-up and bedtime schedules the same every day, even on the weekends.
  • Keep moving; regular movement encourages restful sleep.
  • Examine your prescriptions to discover if any of them might be causing your sleeping disorder.
  • Limit or avoid napping.
  • Avoid or consume alcohol and nicotine in moderation.
  • Avoid consuming a lot of food or liquids right before bed.
  • Only use your bedroom for sleeping or having sex. Make it pleasant.
  • Establish a soothing nighttime routine that includes activities like a warm bath, reading, or listening to calm music.

when to visit the doctor

Consult your doctor to learn the source of your sleep problem and how to manage it if insomnia makes it difficult for you to function during the day. You can be sent to a sleep center for specialized testing if your doctor suspects you might have a sleep condition.

Resources and references: healthline, Cleveland Clinic, WebMD, NHS, Health conditions.

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