
Narcissism – how to deal with narcissistic people?

Narcissism – What is Narcissism?

Narcissism is a psychological condition that occurs in some people. It is often caused by an early trauma.

Moreover, it is characterized by grandiose self-views and a conflicted sense of psychological dependence on others. It leads to shallow interpersonal relationships and exploitative behaviors.

Facts about Narcissism

  • Narcissists are people who have narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).
  • They have a grandiose sense of self-importance and expect recognition as such, even when they don’t deserve it.
  • In addition, narcissists have a hard time understanding the feelings and needs of others.
  • They tend to view others as objects and only want them to serve their own needs.
  • They aren’t able to empathize with other people, which makes them insensitive and mean-spirited.
  • They are also very possessive and have a strong need to control others.
  • They will use their power to control you, often in an abusive or manipulative way.

signs of Narcissism

  • People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) think and act primarily about themselves.
  • They have a need for admiration and approval, and often brag or exaggerate their accomplishments to get that validation.
  • Narcissists also lack empathy and tend to blame others for their own feelings and actions. This makes them difficult to trust and is one of the most important signs that you are dealing with a narcissist.
  • The narcissist’s world is all about good/bad, right/wrong, and superior/inferior; they do everything their way, own everything, and control everyone else.
  • They also often feel that they are better than other people, a feeling they get by being the best, the most competent, and the most right.

how to deal with narcissistic people?

Narcissists can be difficult to deal with, but there are ways to deal with them. By understanding their behavior, you can avoid becoming a victim of their self-defeating tactics and behaviors.

One of the most common narcissistic traits is superiority. These people are constantly seeking admiration, and they believe they should be the best at everything they do.

They may feel threatened by others who challenge them or don’t kowtow to their wishes. This can lead them to put down the other person in any way they can, including name-calling and bullying.

They also tend to monopolize the conversation, talking over you and interrupting your ideas to talk about themselves. This can be a very manipulative tactic that borders on compulsion.

treatment of Narcissism

Narcissism is an extremely serious mental health problem that can damage your life, relationships, and self-esteem.

Treatment can help you learn to control your narcissistic behavior and get along better with people.

Narcissists are overly focused on and protective of a highly valued image of themselves, usually an idealized self-concept.

They have excessive self-evaluation, attitudes of specialness, superiority, entitlement, and immunity to some of the common rules of appropriate behavior (Millon, 1996).

These traits can create a lot of problems in relationships. Because they don’t feel like they deserve a fair shot at being liked and respected, they can become aggressive, overly controlling, and jealous. Their behavior can be especially hurtful to those who challenge them or don’t agree with them.

conclusion about Narcissism

Narcissism is a psychological condition in which people have a lot of self-importance, entitlement, and pride. They have a hard time empathizing with others and often ignore their feelings and needs.

Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) may not be able to recognize their own feelings and needs, but they can still learn to understand how their behavior impacts others. This may be a key factor in getting them to change.

Narcissists often have a strong fear of losing their admiration, potency, and power. This can lead to a sense of abandonment, which leads them to over-compensate by devaluing the object of their affection.

Resources and references: Psychology Today,, Applied Behavior Analysis Programs Guide, MindBodyGreen.

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